
Results 10 issues of Dismal

I am looking for a chromium os image that will work with pinn [(https://pinn.mjh.nz/)](https://github.com/procount/pinn) on the raspberry pi. Would there be a raspberry pi build in the future that would...

Is chromiumos supported it uses GPT

Will support for Android things be added https://dl.google.com/dl/androidthings/rpi3/devpreview/3/androidthings_rpi3_devpreview_3.zip

您好,我来自美国,正在使用翻译,所以我的中文不太好。您能否为美国用户添加 Google Oauth,因为微信在这里用得不多

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Do you plan to add wifi support for this project that would be super helpful we have been waiting for over a year is this even in the list of...


I am trying to find the code that is used for the local account creation

What would need to be developed to make this work on ARM platforms such as the raspberry pi?

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Top info panel looks cluttered **Describe the solution you'd like**...