
Results 11 comments of Disney

啊…我预设的命令都是默认在yo thinkphp生成的项目中运行的… 你这种情况修改generators/space/index.js中的`/app`为`/`就好啦 现在还只是测试版本,很多不完善啦,欢迎提修改意见,更欢迎pull request 啦^_^


@dotku 嗯,好多想要的功能还没实现呢,之后再慢慢改进啦,谢谢关注

参考 [Automated rebuild and deploy with CircleCI and Webhooks](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/ruby/tutorials/automated-rebuild-and-deploy-with-circleci-and-webhooks/)

本项目已启用 CircleCI 持续自动部署,我写了一篇相关的博客教程,如有需要请参见:[How to use CircleCI for GitHub Pages Continuous Deployment](https://discountry.github.io/tutorial/2017/12/19/how-to-use-circleci/)

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That sounds great, how should we proceed?

The problem is that our contributors have synced the content between this repo and the official one manually, but the rest files maybe out-dated. And there are also *hard-coded content*...

@gaearon There is no disagreement. We can collaborate under [https://github.com/reactjs/cn.reactjs.org](https://github.com/reactjs/cn.reactjs.org). The bot and auto-sync with official doc would also be helpful. We'll try to merge the content of this repo...

如果使用了自己的API,可否能够自定义长度,加倍了也不太够用呢,谢谢。 @futantan