> > If we can use any GC library to reduce our work, it will be even better. > > @discord9 What do you think about porting [mmtk](https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-core)? This lib...
> Hello, > > I tried to set the variable as indicated above (MAMBA_NO_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT=1) but without any effect. I still have the same error while trying to install packages. >...
A simple example of collecting cycle ref of PyList(note the line of collect cyclic garbage composed of two object(`a` and `b` in this case)): ``` a= [0] b = [a]...
Just realize I still need make some change to make gc adopt to threading, need to think about it. __edited__: I am using a mutex to stop the world, which...
bug: might need to store the number of PyWeak ref count to prevent premature dealloc in heap and access violation. Also PyWeak itself is storing a PyObjectRef which keep the...
Sorry for the messy commit logs, will reword them later. _edited_: sort into six commits for the ease of code review
> Yes, just realize that, gonna fix it, also still debugging on the dead lock&double dealloc issue, my code is still very faulty _edited_: done, basically limit trace to those...
Just found out I can't trace on `PyFunction`'s `closure` field(which is of type `PyTupleTyped`), when tracing closure, during object graph traverse, it always call trace on closure's PyCell second time(which...
Might found a bug related to the old ref count system: https://github.com/RustPython/RustPython/issues/4238 ,still trying to find a fix _Edited:_ solved
Using PyRwLock is indeed very slow, might need to found out a way to trace PyMutex properly