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Official Discord API Documentation

Results 332 discord-api-docs issues
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### Description You are able to remove permissions from an application command but not give them back. ### Steps to Reproduce > 1. Go to a server where you have...

slash commands

### Description The API documentation states that the Global Rate Limit is 50 requests per second. Here is a scenario that currently occurs **occasionally** in interaction with the Discord API...


### Description If a guild has a few webhooks trying to retrive them all will endup with the request timing out. ## Solution Add a guild limit of like 1k...


### Description Select inputs dont appear in modals on mobile at all, while they work just fine on desktop ### Steps to Reproduce Send a modal with a select. I'm...


### Description Using a command interaction to open a modal from within a forum thread while it is not opened in 'Full View' causes the submission to fail and the...

slash commands

### Description So, as mentioned in the title, there is an bug in Discord API, that causes to 'hide' about me section of bot in desktop client. It causes serious...


### Description In the embeds there is the thumbnail property but the width and height do not work ### Steps to Reproduce Create an embed with a thumbnail and add...


Tempest is a [Discord](https://discord.com) API wrapper for Applications (interactions), written in [Golang](https://golang.org/). It aims to be fast, cache free and higher level than other Discord API wrappers made for Discord...

### Description Making a POST request to `/users/@me/channels/` with an invalid raw data throws a `Bots cannot use this endpoint` ### Steps to Reproduce `curl --location --request POST 'https://discord.com/api/v9/users/@me/channels' \...


As noticed during a [conversation](https://discord.com/channels/81384788765712384/381887113391505410/1005960212722753597) on the Discord API server, there is currently an inconsistency between the "[Opcodes and Status Codes](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes)" and "[Gateway](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway)" pages. The former says that we should...