
Results 30 comments of Dis

Twitter suggested kubenav, which at a glance looks like a good cross between Lens and the "stock" dashboard. Lots of options for install (in-cluster web, mobile, electron-desktop)

I found a lot of issues with postgres. I managed to fix a few but it still doesn't quite work. I'll submit a pull req if I get it working...

/unstale is there any way to get a human to notice these bugs before the robot does? This is a security issue..

If the api container has a problem, it will never be restarted. The cluster will just cycle the (otherwise working) frontend container forever. That is why health checks are applied...

This issue should probably be mentioned a LOT at https://docs.k8s-at-home.com/our-helm-charts/development/databases/

As a specific example, the duckduckgo privacy essentials plugin was the culprit here. (FFX set to strict, ghostery on fairly vigorous, etc etc is fine once DDG is disabled.)

As a more general option, perhaps the webhook could be customizable and/or templatable? That would allow it to work with a wide variety of services with minimal effort. A wiki...

activity. I mean.. what else should I provide? Are there docs for doing this ourselves?