It might come or it might not :P
It looks like this happens only when using `${xref}` in a `parameter` - when using it in `variables` it works fine.
I'll have a look - I've been migrating our parameters to variables anyway so not that big of a deal for me now.
After some playing around, currently the solution of this is to return an array with multiple points like so: ``` {, index) => { return [ , ] }) ```
This is a great library, thanks so much for writing it. It would be great if docker containerisation were detected, and then a unique container ID or some information was...
It is in us-east-1 region. Does anybody know what the username to access this AMI once it comes up is?
I rebuilt the AMI from us-east-1 using packer, and created an ami in ap-southeast-2: `ami-70ddcf13`. I used this packer file: ``` { "builders": [ { "ami_name": "grid-node-new-open3-domain", "ami_groups": [ "all"...
Had the same issue when passing null as the initializer. Passing undefined solves this.