On a side note but related would be nice if there was a change all option when the gremlins are highlighted. BBEdit has a feature called "Zap Gremlins" that does...
> Thank you for this contribution. Let me run your implementation against few different test cases manually and I will merge it. most likely after the weekend. Thank you again!...
Was deleted due to redirects to dropbox it seems. Will take a look when I get some time and see if I can do a PR to get it back...
> Vagrant 2.2.7 VMware Fusion 11.5 vagrant-vmware-desktop 2.0.3 plugin on MacOS 10.14. > Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage: > > The plugins failed to load properly....
I believe there should be support added for the use of the [`credentials.ec2rolecreds`](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/credentials/ec2rolecreds/) * Here is an [example](https://github.com/val00238/rds-try/blob/ab7e52ae5af256c40225472efde7f9689c1d8bf8/config/config.go#L91) of trying in succession based on err when calling `credentials.Get()` * Here...
@aniongithub @empeje I threw together a vscode syntax/language extension that Im using I just pushed it up. I did this very fast and just basically merged together Bash/Shell and Dockerfile...