> > I have the same problem. @christiankm did you resolve this problem ? > > No, I have not looked further into this. But it does not work on...
You should be able to simply pass `fail_on_errors : true` as an argument: ``` swiftlint.lint_files(inline_mode: true, fail_on_error: true) { |violation| ... } ``` I have created #199 to reflect and...
Looks like the SwiftLint binary might be corrupted after the download: https://github.com/ashfurrow/danger-ruby-swiftlint/blob/a955921c8322d777ed7a4d679d1b062528274fc3/ext/swiftlint/downloadSwiftlint.sh#L39-L48 I can take a look at `downloadSwiftLint.sh` this weekend and see if we have any compatibility issues with...
The `downloadSwift.sh` command seems to be working as intended. Perhaps we should download `swiftlint_linux.zip` here: https://github.com/ashfurrow/danger-ruby-swiftlint/blob/a955921c8322d777ed7a4d679d1b062528274fc3/ext/swiftlint/Rakefile#L12 Instead of `portable_swiftlint.zip`.
From the error you provided > 23:36:02 [!] Invalid `basic.Dangerfile` file: swiftlint is not installed It looks like you're hitting this error: https://github.com/ashfurrow/danger-ruby-swiftlint/blob/bf340a84953b303bb76168124c433d7e0e216dff/lib/danger_plugin.rb#L68 Also tested here: https://github.com/ashfurrow/danger-ruby-swiftlint/blob/bf340a84953b303bb76168124c433d7e0e216dff/spec/danger_plugin_spec.rb#L17-L20 The program can't...