Dirk Feytons

Results 5 issues of Dirk Feytons

I upgraded from 0.7.x (don't remember which one, sorry) to the new 0.8.0 and apparently the binary now refers to some GLIBC_2.28 and GLIBC_2.29 symbols. I'm currently running Linux Mint...


Similar to #2525 I encountered a situation where incorrectly an out-of-memory was reported: a client connected to the Mosquitto broker, published a message and disconnected without properly waiting for the...

Using Mosquitto 2.0.18 with support for TLS compiled in, and OpenSSL 3 on Linux. Broker config: ``` listener 1883 allow_anonymous true ``` Then running `valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full mosquitto_sub -h

The LDoc documentation could use an index with the complete list of all the tags that can be used. Now you have to scour the complete documentation to discover what...


I noticed that in `srp_user_process_challenge()` the variable `v` holds the result of `g^x` but `v` is never used. In fact, a couple lines down the same calculation is done again...