Simplify which data structures are used within the different 'common' classes. Right now they store data as lists, tuples, dicts, and sets, even when it's basically the same concept (eg....
On 'g' a user should be able to go to a specific address/function/etc.
To recreate: 1. Open PyDA 2. Type things in Debug/Chat windows 3. ??? 4. Profit
IDA has a notepad, but it's not the greatest. Instead, have a notepad that can (optionally) be correlated to certain code bounds. Any user with a cursor in these bounds...
All data sections should be represented as code in a manner similar to that used by IDA. As an initial step, single-byte declarations are good enough. For example, for the...
Currently, x86 is the only arch with identified function prologues/epilogues. Edit asmfeatures.py appropriately.
For example, each section could have a "range" object with flags for ranges. As an inefficient example: type_ranges = [["0x8040000:0x8040100", "data"], ["0x8040101:0x8040243", "text"], ...] Similar to #16
Give the ability to mark highlighted instructions as data/code.