Matt Wise
Matt Wise
(Side note, I have opened case #10230969021 within our AWS account to track a long term solution to this problem)..
Thanks for that really thorough deep dive! I look forward to a solution...
So on the one hand, I think that this ultimately is simpler for users.. so that's good. On the other hand, I have some questions. 1. How do you order...
@bcressey, So - if you operate with the Kubernetes cluster-autoscaler, they specifically encourage you to use ASGs exactly as you described. However, if you operate with a third party management...
:+1: to looking for an improvement here... We actually tried to replace `` in the `failoverPriorities` with `` and it never worked. We never got the `sub_zone` configuration in our...
So.. just to double check, there is still no answer here right? Even though we need to specifically set the `terminationGracePeriod` (per to make sure that prometheus can shut...
Glad you all are looking into this - just adding in our chime of support. We were just looking into using Keda ( to scale the PrometheusOperator resource shards as...
💯 this should happen.. every commit should build a new image.. that image should be pushed to quay or ghcr...
Just chiming in here. I see Custom Compositions as a great feature down the road, but until its there, the current Compositions framework leaves much to be desired. The basic...
@beyondbill, Did you ever get an answer on this? I ask because the latest PGLogical 2.2.1 has a number of fixes in it that seem like they could be related...