Matt Wise

Results 121 comments of Matt Wise

Awww @tonynv ... This is a real issue, can you re-open it to track it here as well as in the cfn-lint repo? is the root cause here, and...

I'm going to take a peek at this - it seems like the `aws-sdk-go` library should handle this on its own, yet doesn't for some reason.

I've found where the bug lies.. and have a _partial_ fix. The bug is that if `handleReplicationMsg()` returns an error, it immediately halts the `replicationLoop()` goroutine. When that is halted,...

Just a followup, if you set `done.SetTo(true)` on failure, then at least the code exits cleanly: ```diff diff --git a/pg_kinesis.go b/pg_kinesis.go index ebbfdf1..4c8d32e 100644 --- a/pg_kinesis.go +++ b/pg_kinesis.go @@ -694,28...

@taybin, check out we ended up writing our own tool for this, and we’re running this as our primary Postgres streaming method now in production at scale.

Open an issue on our project and we can talk through it. We have designed it to be pluggable (we’re considering a direct-to-S3 transport).

So ... I understand the issue, and how it has not yet been resolved.. quick question though. If we need to rely on making sure that our applications mount in...

@dobesv This is because of the dates on the cert, I presume. Not the `notAfter` date, but the `notBefore` date? So in this case, what it seems to me this...

> @diranged I don't think I really understand what you are asking here. > > But maybe it will help if I just expand on why you need two CA...

## `ca-v0.pem` ``` -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDBTCCAe2gAwIBAgIQdaZftupJhkcz5EUw/a+8kDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAS MRAwDgYDVQQDEwdtYXR0LWNhMB4XDTIyMDEyNDE1NDMzMFoXDTIyMDEyNDE2NDMz MFowEjEQMA4GA1UEAxMHbWF0dC1jYTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCC AQoCggEBAM4slYHJ62fXtClSr3Dv0SsuDPr7V9zpnXn0p35vvdvUwABeW0Fo7nVc ltvQTYldmwVH6/2gdKbIiWpm0yf1dwKrJI6KE/y+LrkKR+0wIY4qqJ9a5Ut65rxD 8+mJqNyJr0DZmWszJdJlx9Th8GYEE95Zuxt7Ld6mBoDuQczZ/mGR6GS8pqM+tJEb m0Kh2Z+U+aIbQZWHsA0dsptc18WolK89h2bZeUUTMGdQuEtQqQQa2lxec5nMNTIv oDMOUvi3UNnOL6tgy/aduPy74U1of8r4wZKZLdpBqWlKWLgW4cRNWxZ7zJu7HqmR 8jfdFB2lk9SasM0Cqd9b1XYVpXSfvP0CAwEAAaNXMFUwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgKk MA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHQYDVR0OBBYEFM5jHXZLtVIPKGdpUO3a4c7PGy4S MBMGA1UdEQQMMAqCCG1hdHQuc3ZjMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQDIyoWHIs1c dQbR67HVDJ7d/8UpkaAC3KP+GHOVOK3CB0pr+WybTPnon5FeL3WDUrE3pVU2USVp erJrzZkEszyHAiciMGNS26REGPfN9aWGzjUH56rTSLKOw4h9NQKIR4WR8mRXHCks 1GKzUjFpyrwegj2Xq8JYSM4roy1jv3Fu/8fa2g+LvqCyL5/4Uh5GTqgLyF3xbyrH Sf0hGExGVrxrq0g6caF1OaZck4spkBPVe1Mk4hxrBO6veRfFUHdNHb5Il3GklaIL YZfqN87qsM1p8G/0hj5E1J5h940IAPmjTcSuRDyDnbwLjXkq8kMuKSkbY0r96UjX sCf4tnDnC3N0 -----END CERTIFICATE----- ``` ## `ca-v1.pem` ``` -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...