**Describe the bug** This bug was squashed in https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/issues/11922, but apparently it has made a comeback. Steps to reproduce the behavior: ```php $o = new Model(); $o->source = 'something'; $o->create();...
With ``` Phalcon\Mvc\View ``` `echo` will produce this error: `Object of class Phalcon\Mvc\View could not be converted to string` Only ```php use Phalcon\Mvc\View\Simple ``` can be used combined with `echo`....
Most of the documents bring code snippets. Considering that full file examples would take a lot of space in the documents and make them complex, a new repository with running...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Current MVC routers have the problem that when there are many paths, there is a performance penalty due to the...
Hi, I am starting to use Wire API. The documentation on [Creating and populating conversations](https://github.com/wireapp/wire-server/blob/develop/docs/reference/conversation.md) misses the message encryption (Protobuf) instructions. Could it be possible to complete it detailing how...
When using nested for submenus (like ul li ul li ... /li /ul /li /ul), the _calcHeight function (629) fails to calculate the correct height. One possible solution would be...
Hi Tomasz, After trying to use `JSON.SET` or `JSON.GET` with wrong commands with PhpRedis (ie. passing an array instead of scalar values), Redis crashes with the following error: ``` ===...
Congratulations and thanks a lot Tomasz, jumping to try it right now!