Denis Kudriashov
Denis Kudriashov
1. PR makes OpalCompiler stateless (with temp state deprecation): With the recent changes to the compiler it is now clear that we can easily remove #source and #ast variables and...
Topological skeleton is very useful image representation. There was commercial children application Plopp which was build on Squeak and probably it used this approach. Links to the topic:,
When looking into method versions it shows commit comment and comparison with previous version. What is missing is ability to see all changes in given commit (not just for current...
Hi. I can't find what to put in ston file to tell metacello: ```Smalltalk onUpgrade: [:err | err useIncoming] ``` Is it possible? Now Calypso is in Pharo 7. And...
The current behaviour is to ignore any warnings when building image/installing baselines. It means that by default the build will not fail if it will not able to load some...
Following tests are failed: ```Smalltalk testWriteMethodDefinitionWithStrangeComment | writer def stream | writer := TonelWriter new. stream := String new writeStream. def := MCMethodDefinition className: #Object classIsMeta: false selector: #a:b: category:...
I found that classes with nil superclass are written with #nil symbol instead of simple nil. Is it intentional? If yes then close issue.
The following test shows the issue: ```Smalltalk MockAcceptanceTests>>testUnexpectedMessageDefinedInObjectUsingAnotherObjectMethod | actual | actual := mock printString. actual should be: 'a GHEmptyMetaMessages' ``` The unexpected message leads to #stubDoesNotExpect: hook which is...
It enables SourceCodeContext in class definition editor based on class parser nodes