May Kittens Devour Your Soul
May Kittens Devour Your Soul
I've added ``` ``` to numbered templates folder, and [template 006 ]( doesn't look quite good. height of box is issue; does it depend on rest of the template somehow?
20170919 there is a scrollbar issue
I open, then close modal with video, but I still hear the sound, so video continues to play. It's not really closed at all.
Lets have Discord server, where we can talk about bulma and everything related to it!
unsure you released yesterday with v 0.7.2. when you released 0.7.4. version of bulma prior to that
Move to top and Move to bottom doesn't really work.
could we have a panel with nice stickies? like a board.
so maybe it would be nice to have something like custom list-style-type where one could add any unicode symbol before list of items
please integrate this into backlog:
integratting tippy tooltips would also be nice maybe via some html or _custom markdown_ ⁉️ shortcut