Diogo Borges
Diogo Borges
> It is not yet implemented for FT.SEARCH. > > However, there is now a possible workaround by using the new **contains** function with FT.AGGREGATE https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/master/Aggregations/#list_of_string_apply_functions > > `FT.AGGREGATE my_index...
That's correct @lahma. Is it a weird expectation? I've read through the documentation: https://www.quartz-scheduler.net/documentation/quartz-3.x/tutorial/crontriggers.html#example-cron-expressions to come up with the awareness that **Year** is optional but **Seconds** not. Is there a...
Also facing the same issue on numerous devices and OS 
This would be very helpful
@domaindrivendev how would I be able to apply the same logic for defining a OpenApiServer that should be dependant of a relative path (because of the reverse proxy) ?
@bengimblett Looking in the documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/connectors/connectors-create-api-servicebus?tabs=consumption#service-bus-built-in-connector-triggers It looks like `Runtime.ServiceProviders.FunctionTriggers.DynamicListenerEnableDisableInterval` is not accepting values smaller than 10 seconds. Tried "00:00:05" to no avail still looks like the trigger runs...
Any development here? Ball-park timeline for this?