Results 9 issues of Onur Doğangönül

Please check this issue [here]( The timeupdate event seems to behave differently with regard to the default tech (see [here](

Add missing `msg` prop, since equivalence is claimed.

Hey, just wanted to let you know that angular is missing in the dependencies in `bower.json`.

Hi, is there an option to keep the rotation metadata? I couldn't find it. ImageOptim supports this via preferences: ![imageoptim]( Thanks!

The vimeo tech just works with < v6, an update to v6 would be great!

I've recreated an issue [here]( I wasn't able to change the video source, when loaded with videojs-vimeo tech.

I've recreated an issue [here]( I wasn't able to get the duration of a video, when loaded with videojs-vimeo tech.

Why not publish as npm package?