Same problem here. It is very urgent. Could you fix it SASP?
@donguyenthanhlan Could you describe the step you enable HD? I tried enable HD via command https://github.com/blockchain/service-my-wallet-v3#enable-hd-functionality It is still show error "Wallet version 4 not supported". It means I can't...
> @donguyenthanhlan I've created wallet as you said with hd=true parameter. It worked for some time, but again "Wallet version 4 not supported" appeared. It is same my issue. I...
> > It is same my issue. I created with &hd=true, It return new wallet ID. But, when I use function "receivingAddress" with HD, It is still error "Wallet version...
> > Muito obrigado! > > A api só cria endereço. Como você pode enviar o pagamento via API? > > I'm using api-v1-client-java library and sendMany method to make...
@parallels999 Yes, thank you so much!
It is error the same for me. What do we have any solutions?