ding jibang

Results 8 comments of ding jibang

@ttwings 嗯,bloom

@ttwings 最后没有(人)实现呢,这只是个简单的课题一样的需求,实现还是很好实现的,用打字介绍下吧 假设相机的坐标一直对着玩家,对着屏幕中心。这时玩家走路就会产生玩家不动,地图在卷动的效果,也就是典型的RPG效果,假设这里已经实现了。 我们把这个相机的当前坐标设为x, y,在GDX-RPG里,用了一个投机取巧的办法来实现了画面晃动,就是创建一个空白的Actor,当我们给这个Actor创建一个Action,比如 actor.addAction(Actions.forever(Actions.sequence(Actions.moveTo(-100, 0, 1), Actions.moveTo(100, 0, 1))) 上边的actions就是创建一个无限循环,让这个actor每隔1秒左右移动。 最后,我们在渲染函数里,将相机的坐标设置为 (x + actor.getX(), y),就可以让相机来产生晃动效果了。

2制作中 todo 需要改写UI,在statusView


**现在的信息已经是blocking = 1时候的了** 顺便贴上blocking = 0的时候的信息 THCudaCheck FAIL file=c:\new-builder_3\win-wheel\pytorch\aten\src\thc\THCReduceAll.cuh line=317 error=77 : an illegal memory access was encountered Traceback (most recent call last): File "seq2seq.py", line 436, in seq.train() File...

Currently I am using the below configuration to train the results without freq cutoff ↓ ``` num_blocks: 9 l: 3 g: 32 k: 3 bn: 8 bias: False n_fft: 4096...

Thanks for your reply (double thanks^_^) Change `n_fft` and `dim_f` to same will cause an error `RuntimeError: Error instantiating 'src.models.mdxnet.ConvTDFNet' : Trying to create tensor with negative dimension -2047: [1,...

``` Conv_TDF_net_trim( device=device, load=load, model_name='Conv-TDF', target_name='guitar', lr=0.0002, epoch=470, L=9, l=3, g=32, bn=8, bias=False,