Dimpu Aravind Buddha
Dimpu Aravind Buddha
It's a very good idea let's do it.
@xileftenurb Just pushed it.
\n is not a valid line break in markdown. Y don’t you simple write ‘ # Title ## Sub Title ‘
@vajda We need `HttpClientModule` for loading external resource when ```html ``` @nuwang We used `fetch` API to get remote content but to fix https://github.com/dimpu/ngx-md/issues/117 issue we had to use `HttpClientModule`...
@mhamern ` HttpClientModule` is part of `@angular/common` which is already a peer-dependency. But yes of course if you have better way of solving this. PR would be great. Thanks.
If you use nvm switch to version 20 or Install latest node version. ` nvm install 20 && nvm use 20 ` This should fix the issue.
@NambirajanS It won't work with AOT yet. There are some angular bugs.
Hi planning to fix this? or Should I have to compile the less file locally ?
Pull request https://github.com/react-component/trigger/pull/248