Dimitrios Mistriotis

Results 8 comments of Dimitrios Mistriotis

@Darkempire78 How we feel about this right now (me + @koti the other contributor) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/219838/100460407-083c7a00-30bf-11eb-9e08-7972aff80f13.png)

@Nitin1901 :drum: :drum: :drum: ... and: Drop in replacement which we released just yesterday. For the immediate forked repository, It is easy to install as is with something like this...

> If we have a solution, why isn't it published on pypi.org? A few things here: - It is not our responsibility to publish our solutions anywhere as nobody employs...

> @koti How do I use this build? By referencing the other repository. For pip + "requirements.txt", use the following instead of "profanity-check": ``` -e git+https://github.com/dimitrismistriotis/profanity-check.git#egg=profanity-check ``` Also check this...

> @dimitrismistriotis Thanks! I was wondering if we could implement a function which censors content like the profanity package? Censor is a very broad concept, also didn't get the "like...

Can confirm that this is what happens: with the following pytest output: ``` ================================================================ test session starts ================================================================ platform linux -- Python 3.8.0, pytest-5.4.1, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 rootdir: /home/dimitry/projects/profanity-check collected 2...

https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.svm.LinearSVC.html Copy+paste of default values from current version(): ```python class sklearn.svm.LinearSVC(penalty='l2', loss='squared_hinge', dual=True, tol=0.0001, C=1.0, multi_class='ovr', fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, class_weight=None, verbose=0, random_state=None, max_iter=1000) ``` Copy+paste from 0.20.4, closest version to one...

I have seen it in other issues, we (me + friend) have forked it here following Scikit Learn's releases: https://github.com/dimitrismistriotis/alt-profanity-check This will cover the Python version issue as well. Apologies...