Dimitris Dermanis
Dimitris Dermanis
Having the same problem here. This is an attempt to debug. I only import the library and try to initialize an object. ```python: import torch import echotorch.nn as etnn esn...
```bash: $ pip show echotorch ``` ```bash: Name: EchoTorch Version: 0.1.1 Summary: A Python toolkit for Reservoir Computing. Home-page: UNKNOWN Author: Nils Schaetti Author-email: [email protected] License: GPLv3 Location: /home/dimitris/PycharmProjects/echo_torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires:...
works for me so far Some of the examples have errors but once they are fixed, examples run as well.
I am also trying to get the elevation profile in a container other than heightgraph-container. Anyone managed to do that, without changing the source code? Is there a property to...
@PeterDroogers you can use the .getContainer() method to get the HeightGraph (hg) container and move it to another element. Here I move it to a div named _heightgraph_ `document.getElementById("heightgraph").appendChild(hg.getContainer());` Then...