
Results 177 issues of Dimitre

Platform macOS Big Sur 11.2.2, on Apple M1 Apologies in advance if there is something duplicate here. after pulling latest version today (Audrey crate to 0.3) and after installing cmake...

platform - macos

Just as a reminder. One question: are ofSite markdown documentation and doxygen comments totally separate? or integrated in some way? thanks

I've noticed it complains the missing CADebugPrintf.h when I try to build using VSCode. it compiles OK after I copy the files from another project, specifically this one: https://github.com/elliottjohnson/GenericUSBMIDI cc:...

is there a way of routing sound from ofSoundStream to ofxAudioUnitNetSend or it only works with sound generated in ofxAudioUnit objects? Thanks!

if I initialize the camera using framesize = FRAMESIZE_QQQVGA or FRAMESIZE_QQQQVGA it doesn't draw right, appearing scanlines like if I'm drawing it in the wrong resolution. ```c++ //setup Sipeed_OV2640 camera(FRAMESIZE_QQQVGA,...

Hello, I've just tested some benchmark at 400Mhz and 600Mhz and the performance outputs the same. I think this options aren't working on Maixduino yet. https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/CoreMark Thanks ![Screen Shot 2019-08-07...

It would be great to have a constant to identify Maixduino. Is there any? I've seen this one in ArduinoCore-k210 , Arduino.h file ```c++ #ifndef KENDRYTE_K210 #define KENDRYTE_K210 1 #endif...

Hello I am trying to test using Platformio CLI and platform kendryte210 and I'm having issues that are already fixed in github master, like this one: camera.setRotaion instead of camera.setRotation...

Thanks for this great addon! I've noticed it sometimes cause an offset of the original image if using arbitrary texture sizes, like 1920x1080 and using power of two textures, like...