
Results 177 issues of Dimitre

Most of the time on 10.10 I have to use u"/Users/dd/Desktop/Estadao/act/paleta.act" because it doesn't find with relative path "act/paleta.act" I love Nodebox 1 (Codebox) and hope it is not dead...

It is a suggestion of no importance but it would be nice to have colored output on console like print '\033[31m=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\033[0m'

simplification of pixelbits / bytes, channel count, etc.

As ofToString converts a wide variety of objects, what do you think of renaming ofPathToString to ofToString ? we still don't have a release out using this new function. cc:...

Hello @thomasgeissl I've recently changed some things in projectGenerator project, local_addons functionality wasn't working properly. If you have the time can you please test your project using the latest from...

It would be amazing to have a possibility of a multiple toggle with images instead of labels. useful for example for dir listing a series of videos, generating thumbnails and...

addButtonSlider doesn't seem to use the same font as the others elements when using loadFont

Not sure if its an issue, I've just noticed when I use ofSetBackgroundAuto(false); with ofxControlPanel I can't draw anything on screen.

Thread Performance Checker: Thread running at QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE waiting on a lower QoS thread running at QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT. Investigate ways to avoid priority inversions PID: 27389, TID: 7269077 ``` Backtrace ================================================================= 3...

it seems GLFW is not yet addressing vertical sync issues in macOS, as OF is already using CoreVideo Framework maybe it is possible to implement a solution similar to this...