
Results 177 issues of Dimitre

it would be great to update glfw to 3.4 in bleeding (and nightly) thanks

Only happens with XCode and using install_latest_libs.sh using install_libs.sh seems to fix the issue

with this PR apothecary can update OF libs using a relative path to the correct OF/libs folder

I've tried to update boost to latest (v1.81.0) but I think maybe some .a changed names in the meantime error ``` cp: stage/lib/libboost_system.a: No such file or directory ``` With...

First of all, thank you for this great app I've updated to latest OF in a fork here: https://github.com/dimitre/VisionOSC/tree/latest I'm using body detection at 60fps, but after a while it...

startThread fix for 0.10.1

Hello, I've recently noticed the compiled software probably is pointing to the addons path, and can't find the dylib once the software is moving outside of the openFrameworks installation. Is...

Hello, it seems Nil is a reserved word in objectivec++ Any workaround, like renaming the Nil? Thanks ``` /Volumes/tool/ofw/apps/pgd/ofxProjectGenerator/src/uuidxx/src/uuidxx.h:11:3: error: expected identifier Nil, ^ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/objc/objc.h:98:16: note: expanded from macro 'Nil'...