
Results 243 comments of Dimitre

@roymacdonald I think the warnings are there so we can make decision about control of the types. This specific one already brings the question : should a texture be allocated...

I too like the minimal way of creating an app for basic examples. any reason it will be deprecated? will be something similar available? ```c++ int main( ){ ofSetupOpenGL(1024,768, OF_WINDOW);...

I would suggest like this as default ```c++ ofRunApp(mainWindow, std::move(mainApp)); ``` because mainApp normally won't be ever used again in this scope

Any suggestions on this one @ofZach ?

thank you @2bbb great idea! we can make it to a function like getDevices or something.

I think it is strange to use plain shared_ptr as a function parameter, so we can choose to use const & as a function parameter, or move inside the function,...

There is a function in OF (important one, key to any project) that mixes raw pointers, references and shared_ptr. Can it be simplified in any way? does it need to...

Which style do you prefer and why? In the end they do the same, just each one of them do the copy in different lines ```c++ void ofSoundPlayer::setPlayer(shared_ptr newPlayer){ player...

Hello @ulioidle you can submit PRs directly to https://github.com/openframeworks/ofSite Here is the instruction guide for linux https://github.com/openframeworks/ofSite/tree/master/files/setup/linux-install

Which Pi version and OS? ``` lsb_release -a ``` I'm having issues with two different RPIs here but not the same as yours