Dmitry Yakovlev
Dmitry Yakovlev
I just try musikcube and got this issue with group named "25/17". Suppose that is serious problem for the "AC/DC" fans too.
@rhukster Maybe you can add `strtotime` Twig filter into Grav? This will solve problems with converting custom dates to timestamps.
@sogl `'2017.02.09'|date('U')` - this causes an error, but if you change dots to dashes all works fine. So you can use this code to convert your custom date to timestamp:...
Can you add option for method `getParameter` to return parameter value as boolean? What I mean: ```php public function getParameter($name, $default = null, $boolean = false) { $value = $this->hasParameter($name)...
It can be useful if parameter value is `'true'` or `'false'` (strings). This is example from Grav [Shortcode plugin]( `Safe-Email Address: [safe-email autolink="true" icon="envelope-o"][email protected][/safe-email]`. It does not matter if `autolink="true"`...
@thunderer ok. :)
Nice to have this function in theme_functions.php: ``` php function get_page_field($field, $echo = true) { global $data_index; $str = strip_decode($data_index->$field); return echoReturn($str,$echo); } ```
For 3.3.x as quick fix we can change lines in [upload.php]( and [upload-uploadify.php]( to: ```php $name = clean_img_name(to7bit(doTransliteration($name))); ```
Works fine.
PHP locale must be properly configured in `gsconfig.php` for cyrillic transliteration. For example `setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ru_RU.utf8');` Else function `getFileName` return empty filename.