Dmitrii Openkov
Dmitrii Openkov
RW: Analysis Python scripts: standardize and add to repo Maybe define in config if to run a python post-processing script => maybe list of scripts Python Libraries? Internal wiki: Add...
Beam produces some non-relevant warning in the `beamLog.out`. ``` 16:38:00.768 [main] WARN beam.analysis.plots.GraphUtils - There is no color configured for [Average] ``` ``` 16:37:55.878 [main] WARN b.s.m.InfluxDbSimulationMetricCollector - There are...
We store ride-hail manager name in the reason, leg mode in mode. That allow to understand why people don't use some ride-hail fleets. - - - This change is [](
We can approach this issue in the following way: 1. Using geographical distribution of Activities we could divide them into _N_ clusters (it's probably better to have clusters of equal...
This change is [](
At Google Cloud Platform If there's not enough CPU quota no errors returned to the user when they want to create a new instance. We could check quota before creating...
Parameter `beam.agentsim.agents.rideHail.numDriversAsFractionOfPopulation` is replaced with `fractionOfInitialVehicleFleet`. The old parameter should be replaced with the new one in 1. Tests 2. Documentation 3. Configs This helps avoid confusion and unexpected simulation...
Instead of setting mode for the whole tour (Home -> Work -> Shopping -> Home) and use it for each individual trip now we use current tour mode for getting...
Resolves #3067 This change is [](
Introduced `maxTimeLimitForFreightInMinutes` r5 parameter with default value 5 hours. - - - This change is [](