
Results 3 comments of dimabendera

I think this is due to the fact that tensors with different data types are fed to the mul. If we convert to one data type, then at the next...

I successfully trained a model on my own dataset. Firstly I create two own datasets in [coco format](https://www.immersivelimit.com/tutorials/create-coco-annotations-from-scratch): * for test ./centermask2/datasets/numberplate/val/coco_numberplate.json ./centermask2/datasets/numberplate/val/*.jpeg * for train ./centermask2/datasets/numberplate/train/coco_numberplate.json ./centermask2/datasets/numberplate/train/*.jpeg Than I...

for prediction on own dataset I use simple script ```python3 import os import time import glob import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor,...