@mazunin-v-jb Is it duplicate?
Thanks, good suggestion. Also please take a look at library https://github.com/yshrsmz/BuildKonfig But it is still not in stable version, please be carefull!
@solita-michalguspiel Sorry, no updates yet
Thanks, I will take a look at it.
Can you please provide a sample code to reproduce this bug?
For now, we don't support NinePath images.
I think it should be not only a Desktop feature, but also Multiplatform.
Related discussion on the Slack: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C01F2HV7868/p1681146359217349
You need `Modifier.onScreenPositioned{ }` That arguments do you need inside it?
Something like this? ```Kotlin Modifier.onScreenPositioned { windowCoordinates -> val currentPositionOnWindow: Offset = windowCoordinates.positionInScreen() println("current coordinates on window: $currentPositionOnWindow") } ```