@CoronelGlober UIKit not ready for stable. Desktop will be 1.2.0 stable. But, before we need to fix bugs
Hello, @CoronelGlober Wow, it looks amazing!
@mipastgt For now we made Android target in this experimental example: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/tree/master/experimental/examples/chat-mpp
@nganh1 Can you please also try to add repositories like in this example: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/blob/b1fe574a7ec358bcd4438d158b3145a7c26b0f87/experimental/examples/falling-balls-mpp/build.gradle.kts#L28
@pjBooms Look please
Material3 available on iOS in Compose 1.5.0 and later
I made a sample with usage of LazyVerticalGrid in commonCode between Android and Desktop: https://github.com/dima-avdeev-jb/desktop-android-lazy-vertical-grid It work's fine.
For now, samples work's good. Can you please try to: clone repository https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb from scratch move to dir examples/todoapp-lite run this gradle command: ./gradlew desktop:run --refresh-dependencies Also, you may have...
@denchic45 Are you trying to launch this demo project? https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/tree/master/components/SplitPane/demo
@denchic45 Good point to start investigation is try to provide minimal reproducible sample of your Issue. You can share it on GitHub and we can try to check it too.