Dilyara Zharikova (Baymurzina)
Dilyara Zharikova (Baymurzina)
Изменение парочки конфигов - это ок, изменение выхода компоненты `proba2labels` - не ок. она универсальная в данных момент и много где используется, если менять ее - придется менять все конфиги.
This repo is not currently supported as intent classification is a part of an open-source library DeepPavlov. Anyway, as you requested for a help. The only problem is that you...
I tried to reduce the number of trainable parameters (sizes of layers) because you have too few examples to train bigger model, and increased coefficients of regularization for convolutions and...
I think you are better to use this library https://github.com/deepmipt/DeepPavlov. It also contains good enough docs (see http://docs.deeppavlov.ai/en/latest/components/classifiers.html) where the explanation of parameters is available. Tuning parameters is not so...
Test Dialog. Если смотреть логи, то там ошибки из-за форматтеров.
@nstsj please merge updated dev into your branch