
Results 11 comments of dilne

Thanks for your response. You answered my question perfectly. For now, I am just trying to implement the full code from your repo to test out saving to disk, just...

Awesome! Thanks for your help! I also had to update the following code to `TArray64` to get a working build. ``` protected: // Creates an async task that will save...

Thanks, I'm learning lots! My project crashes completely when I press my save to disk key. I get this error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000308 UE4Editor_TimmHess_0942!ACaptureManager::CaptureColorNonBlocking() [C:\Users\dmiln\UE4\TimmHess\Source\TimmHess\CaptureManager.cpp:25] UE4Editor_TimmHess_0942!ACaptureManager::execCaptureColorNonBlocking() [C:\Users\dmiln\UE4\TimmHess\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\TimmHess\CaptureManager.gen.cpp:99]...

Thanks for the tip! I saw from [your plugin code](https://github.com/TimmHess/UnrealImageCapture/blob/master/Plugin/CameraCaptureToDisk/Source/CameraCaptureToDisk/Private/CameraCaptureManager.cpp) that you implemented the following: ``` if (!IsValid(CaptureComponent)) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("CaptureColorNonBlocking: CaptureComponent was not valid!")); return; } ``` I...

I have dragged my CaptureManager into the scene and added a SceneCapture2D to the scene. I then click CaptureManager in the World Outliner and under Capture > Color Capture Components...

Yes, you got it!!! My output is a bit janky though! ![output](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50206336/155750300-f2ddb123-60a3-4131-9aa1-b1781a3249a4.jpeg) Changing to .png fixes it nicely however. ![output](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50206336/155750510-5b959f08-a29b-4b01-8423-756ad72de87d.png) Thanks for all your amazing help! I'd like to thank...

Hey, rather than selecting a SceneCapture2D that I drag into the scene, do you know how I can select the SceneCapture2D if it is a component inside a blueprint class?...

So I've create an actor object reference in my actor BP (called CapManRef) that my SceneCapture is a component of. I then pass in the CaptureManager actor via the Details...

ONNX is required. You can convert a PyTorch saved model to ONNX like shown below. I include the ONNX checker, it should confirm everything worked: ``` import torch import torch.onnx...

> Hi @cullenwire1 just wrote you on LinkedIn to make sure it's you. Google cal does not show emails so just in case 😄 would be happy to have a...