RecurrentAttentionConvolutionalNeuralNetwork copied to clipboard
Have you modified the batch_size?
Hi, where is the "" file? def init_with_apn2(self): ckpt = torch.load('../checkpoints/CUBS/') self.apn1.load_state_dict(ckpt['apn1_state_dict'])
Sorry, I want to know can the code run? how to get dataset,Thanks ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchnet' where is the torchnet
I am interested in your code. I want to know the accuracy can you get after three steps in the CUBS database.
when use batch_size=32 not 1, get this error info: File "/mnt/workspace/py/RA_CNN/src/", line 163, in train self.do_epoch(epoch_idx, optimizer, optimize_class=optimize_class) File "/mnt/workspace/py/RA_CNN/src/", line 113, in do_epoch self.do_batch(optimizer, batch, label, optimize_class=optimize_class) File "/mnt/workspace/py/RA_CNN/src/",...
cnn_params_to_optimize = model.cnn1.parameters() + model.cnn2.parameters() TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'generator' and 'generator'