RecurrentAttentionConvolutionalNeuralNetwork icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RecurrentAttentionConvolutionalNeuralNetwork copied to clipboard


PyTorch Implementation of RACNN
Does not replicate results
src/ contain all networks implemented for the paper
src/manager... are training/eval managers for all networks
src/run... and src/main... are interfaces to run training

Run ./ 3 1 vgg 30 ../data/CUBS 1e-4 in src to train Attention Proposal Networks on best randomly generated subregions of interest.

Rename satisfactory trained APN to in checkpoints

Run ./ 3 1 vgg 30 ../data/CUBS 2 in src to train a two scale RACNN initialized with the APN trained above.

Rename satisfactory trained RACNN to in checkpoints

Run ./ 3 1 vgg 30 ../data/CUBS 2 in srcto train a fully connected layer on a multiscale representation extracted using the RACNN trained above.