I tried to explain all the steps to reproduce this issue in my OP. This is the whole code to produces the error. For assets and graph etc. used, please...
Does the code look okay? Are there any obvious mistakes? Or have I made any mistakes in building the aar file from _mediapipe/graphs/object_detection_3d:mobile_calculators_ and the binarypb file from _object_occlusion_tracking.pbtxt_? Any...
If there is no obvious mistake in my code, can some one maybe provide prebuilt aar files for shoe object_detection_3d and the corresponding graph files?
> Same here! Did you solve it yet? Unfortunately not.
> @dilldilldill did you find a solution? Unfortunately, the owt people don't care... Not yet, still checking the repo daily, waiting for a fix
No one? 👉👈
In the _startStack()_ method of the _SipService.java_ file I now added a stun server like so: `epConfig.getUaConfig().getStunServer().add("stun.provider.net");` or `epConfig.getUaConfig().getStunServer().add("stun.provider.net:1234");` or `epConfig.getUaConfig().getStunServer().add("sip:stun.provider.net:1234");` none of which are working. Am I doing it...