Dilip K N
Dilip K N
floating keyboard reference ➡️ [image](https://imgs.search.brave.com/jAhQ_H97bKl1TQ5U-6dzKHma2UjV1VXxg9iqxBIp20s/rs:fit:1080:1200:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL3o5Lmlv/L2ZpbGVzLzIwMTQv/MDEvd3BpZC1TY3Jl/ZW5zaG90XzIwMTQt/MDEtMTAtMTQtNTAt/MTkucG5n)
refresh button or option is much needed. In case if there's any new downloads and moved files are not in sync with the app.
### Description I would like to add a menu-driven program on operations on SLL #### Operations include: - Insertion/deletion at the beginning - Insertion/deletion at end - Insertion/deletion at specified...