Dilek Ozkan

Results 6 comments of Dilek Ozkan

I write 1,1,5 in my python command. Just here is typo. I couldnt fix the error. My images acquired originally 3d sequence. May it be something related to that?

Do i need to do different something from resampling? Like multiplanar reconstruction? My original image 1*1*1 doesnt have an orientation like sagittal, i can see it every axises

I checked python output on Itksnap. I tried fsl for resampling and then, i checked them on fsleyes and mricron.

[datas.zip](https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTsPy/files/9484402/datas.zip) there are one reference image which I want the voxel size of and one input image (originally acquired 3d) *** I add the resampled one. [resampled.zip](https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTsPy/files/9484411/resampled.zip) and here the...

I also displayed it this way on itk-snap. why does this python command display the sliced image this way? Shouldn't the result of the command (t2_ants_resampled=resample_image(t2_ants, **(0.67, 0.67, 5.5),** use_voxels=False,...

[outputfsl.zip](https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTsPy/files/9487588/outputfsl.zip) the output of the command: flirt -in /ms/flairhigh.nii -ref /ms/flairtransvers.nii -applyxfm -out /ms/out It is sagittal again not axial. but the reference is axial