Tobias Rittig, Ph.D.
Tobias Rittig, Ph.D.
The feature is ready for review!
Rings some alarm bells for me: 1. effectively a 1 line change, that would be "easy to approve" 2. no description provided 3. Why is there a binary blob committed,...
This OpenCL repo does have another downside (for your users) which you might be not aware of: ```cmd fatal: clone of '' into submodule path 'C:/Users/myname/repositories/my-looongish-repo-name/ext/hwinfo/external/miss-opencl/external/OpenCL/external/OpenCL-CLHPP/external/CMock/vendor/c_exception' failed Failed to clone...
This is a bug when using it with python3. It has already been fixed in #4 in the repository but the pip version is not updated. Vote on #7 to...