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Removed Redundant Render Function Call
Due to mUpdates upper limit value check 2, render function is called twice from the loop in the view function in the file. Changing its upper limit value check to 1 will results in calling render function only once.
- :x: - login: @ganesh1828 / name: Ganesh Suresh Kandepalli . The commit (26b67d0b2012150095e5fbf6ff39d50732fc1575, 71f405569db2599332c427cfdeb2efe33e404cd6) is not authorized under a signed CLA. Please click here to be authorized. For further assistance with EasyCLA, please submit a support request ticket.
Rings some alarm bells for me:
- effectively a 1 line change, that would be "easy to approve"
- no description provided
- Why is there a binary blob committed, and then removed in a second commit? Just to place it in the history?!
smells fishy
@diiigle Binary was pushed by mistake, that's why I removed it. and description is provided now, you can check it.