Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson
Something like this? ``` Dropdown Menu (hoverable) Search ```
Short answer: This can be easily achieved TL;DR - Long answer: Sorry I talk a lot =P Though it should be probably pointed out that this isn't really an...
> Jquery or native javascript is what I am looking for. What I provided you is native JavaScript and Jquery. It just happens to have a funny name that's throwing...
The -light and -dark color modifiers are variants to the colors ( ) which are not specifically for "light mode" and "dark mode". "Dark mode" can be achieved by...
Same with $navbar-item-color... and the docs for navbar are missing the variable references too but for other pages its fine. Hey @jgthms The default navbar-burger-color is set to `$navbar-burger-color: cv.getVar("navbar-item-color")...
I'm still learning how things work with @use and @forward, but given the added complexity of themes and light/dark modes, I have given up on the notion of importing all...
@jbrazeau haha you beat me to it! I was working on it as well. it's remarkable how similar the code is.. Mine loosely based on the [/Wikiki/bulma-switch]( version. with additional...
if you look at buttons, tags, etc anything with color support it usually copies dv.$colors to a local variable i.e. $button-colors and then has a loop referencing that. the color...
slightly off-topic, i'm also working on a bulma-social (social buttons) for v1.0 too! that'd be a lot of fun and could use help with that as well :)
menu never supported colors... in the old docs for 0.9.4 that was easily determined by using the legend on the side of the documentation page, but you can easily change...