Fareed Alnamrouti

Results 5 comments of Fareed Alnamrouti

at http://sunshineapp.com we are creating an application that use DLNA and peer to peer to give the users the ability to browse and stream there files across all devices in...

i think this is urgent issue

for android i could solve it by doing this: ``` allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } maven { url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android" } configurations.all { resolutionStrategy {...

i think the sdk should be configurable same as `react-native-accountkit` module, look here: https://github.com/underscopeio/react-native-facebook-account-kit/blob/master/android/build.gradle

@DuBistKomisch i have no experience that much in cpp but this is how i solved it but now it is the turn of experts like you ;)