This menu item will reveal the log directory on your OS.
This is so users / apps / bots can determine which Domains will allow them to use things like audio codecs, connect using web, etc.
For example, the Domain server will log something like this: ``` [09/11 15:16:04] [WARNING] [qt.network.ssl] QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted: TLS initialization failed [09/11 15:16:04] [DEBUG] [default] getDomainOwnerFriendsList api call failed: QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError ``` To...
Please comment with potential use cases and/or considerations for an API. Simple is better for a v1.0, it's best to make this in a way that lends itself to long...
https://github.com/vircadia/vircadia/issues/1457 We should determine if the Metaverse is unable to work with certain characters in the username to begin with. If that is so, we should try to solve that....
https://github.com/vircadia/Iamus/blob/master/docs/API-Tokens.md Document this API within the code and try to ferry as much relevant information in.
**`GET` `/ap1/v1/account/{{accountId}}/password/reset`** **Parameters**: ``` (JSON) email: {{account's email}} ``` This request will submit a message to the email specified on the account's file **if** the passed in parameter of the...
This would work: "When a user logs in or is added to a domain" then "send a webhook notification". Specifically, the first implementation desired would be for it to notify...