Pinning versions of ubiquitous libraries like the flake8 and pylint linters majorly constrain the environment in which azdev is used in. This is particularly inefficient on the inner dev loop...
Thanks. Understood on the problem on the Azure CLI CI side. It's not so much a blocking issue as we have ways around it (explained in my prior comment). It's...
I also noticed @learnquik , you are using `azure-iot` `0.14.0`, one quick thing to try before getting into debugging is installing the latest version of the extension (currently `0.17.0`). You...
Closing due to lack of additional information we need to debug the issue. You can comment here and we can re-open if its still a problem.
Please add an entry to `HISTORY.rst` under `0.17.1` and we can increment the version of the extension in this PR to `0.17.1`
> Please post the pipeline run showing the testing evidence. > > @digimaun Since, this is a temporary change, should we update history? I would still because its user facing,...
The response is from the certification service, the `az iot product test` command group is not doing any device verification client side. If you can provide more details on the...