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Some designsystems use generic form classes/components, usually called `form-group` or `form-field` for their form components to have consistent placement of label, descriptions and such around an input/textarea/select element. Notes: -...
Having both spacing and sizing can be confusing. It is all sizes after all. Token Studio has added dimension token that are closer to the Token definition defined by W3C....
**TLDR;** Lift semantic color definition to a higher level and have components only use a generic `--ds-color-*` variable. Which semantic color i used for a component is then defined by...
Make an internal component that automates documentation of a components "component tokens" to be used in Storybook (and Storefront in the future). Notes: - Use postcss plugins in js to...
If using Button with icon only, we now require developers to also remember adding `icon={true}` to the button as padding-adjustments for icon-only is not possible to do via CSS. Is...
### Epic for work related to a pattern for navigation Related to arbeidsflate and autorisasjon. We do not have a menuItem in our designsystem, but have used our button component....
Pagination does not wrap when zoomed / too little space. We should decide on a good solution for this - maybe even an internal ResizeObserver?
Bringing this up again, native HTML `` has no `readOnly` state, because you can't interact with it anyway. In HTML, only `` is possible if wanting to display some data...
When testing the component in Figma we noticed that the accordion gets a lot of padding on small screens. We might want to document how they should behave or be...
With the transition to a new sizing scale in #1583 we can still offer fluid scaling on typography as an optional set for those that want this. This would entail...