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Dere har valgt å ikke ha en Docs side for Checkbox.Group. Kan ikke se at det er konfigurert med autodocs eller satt tags: ['autodocs'] for denne komponenten i Storybook. Siden...
Inter font was last fall updated to v4. We are currently using v3, which is also whats hosted on the Altinn CDN. There are some subtle differences between v3...
- [ ] Standard Avatar in multiple sizes - [ ] Interactive Avatar with hover state - [ ] Stack (tooltip support?) [Figma](
**This is a suggestion, and needs to be investigated** Today we have explicit classes for sizes, etc. - but it would be nice if we can have a good developer...
Add static contrast boundaries to the color modal. This will never change, making it static will make the modal work in different contexts. Also looking at simplifying the design.
Changelog for Figma ```[tasklist] ### Tasks - [ ] Add text-style for paragraph medium-weight - [ ] Add new colors for dark mode to default set - [ ]
## Innsalgsvideo ### Mål med video - Få flere til å bruke designsystemet. - Få flere med på samarbeidet om utvikling og vedlikehold. Større tverretatlig team. ## Storyline 1. _Fortellerstemme_:...
Resolves #2222 ✋🏻🛑 Should not be published on before the articles is published on (End of august). Thanks to @sorensensig and @indiamaydesign for contributing 🙏🏻❤️
Artikkel fra Sigurd og India. Publiseres som artikkel på designsystemet etter at 3 artikler er publisert på UX-Norge. ------ ✋🏻🛑 Should not be published on before the articles is...
### Related issues or relevant information? -