Jason Northrup
Jason Northrup
Icons are not showing in the latest Chromium dev build: `Version 106.0.5196.0 (Developer Build) (x86_64)` I suspect this issue will show up on other Chromium based browsers at some point,...
I am also running into this, but haven't in the past. Although I am getting a bit more than one item per import.
It seems to be a hosting issue, and most likely related to database speed connection. On my local development setup, everything is fine. But on Heroku using ClearDB MySQL, I...
On macOS, one way to slim down would be to not have two separate copies at: Contents/Versions/[version]/nwjs Framework.framework/Versions/A Contents/Versions/[version]/nwjs Framework.framework/Versions/Current In this case, Current should be a symlink to A.
On further inspection, there are actually three copies: Contents/Versions/[version]/nwjs Framework.framework Contents/Versions/[version]/nwjs Framework.framework/Versions/A Contents/Versions/[version]/nwjs Framework.framework/Versions/Current With the only difference being that the root version also contains: libffmpeg.dylib libnode.dylib Which raises the...
@ryanpcmcquen @sanusart The following commit may resolve your build bloat. My macOS builds on a very small project reduced by about 60% https://github.com/Gisto/nwjs-shell-builder/pull/13/commits/ec644737e7a82758c97f25828500f60a3069acf6