Joshua Scholar
Joshua Scholar
I just realized that the output probably doesn't mean that it processed stdio.h twice, it means that it gives source file positions for macros when it throws an error processing...
Maybe I can help you port it. I have some uses for MIR that aren't reliably supported by existing projects, unless I could do them with LLVM's jit library which...
It's not maximally optimized, but I wrote a C++ library that's similar and based on utf8proc. You could try that.
I tried installing an older version of reperf, same error I tried leaving reperf out of the install - same error on the NEXT include I tried uninsalling esy and...
> This seems to rely on parsing the input prompt to seperate nouns and tokenize each one seperately. I lack any experience with such a thing - though I tried...
I tried to run the sample version but it dies: 2022-10-01 23:53:04 INFO: Use device: gpu 2022-10-01 23:53:04 INFO: Loading: tokenize 2022-10-01 23:53:07 INFO: Loading: pos 2022-10-01 23:53:08 INFO: Loading:...
I had more success with a linear network than with an activated one, but that could be just my own test.
This pull seems to be languishing.
I tried Xavier Normal and Uniform and got those washes. I might have picked the wrong activation function for it.
Maybe I don't understand what close looks like in latent space, but it seems to me that this idea is nonsense. Not only are pictures for a given prompt wildly...