Dieter Vanden Eynde
Dieter Vanden Eynde
`TwigBridge\Twig\Loader` is implementing `Twig_LoaderInterface` which requires the method `getSourceContext` to be implemented: ``` FatalErrorException in Loader.php line 24: Class TwigBridge\Twig\Loader contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract...
Not sure how I missed this but the package namespace should be prefixed with our vendor. So `ElasticSearcher` should become `Madewithlove\ElasticSearcher`. To be done with a major breaking release
The PHP SDK 2.0 has support for Future's (from Guzzle), which allows for queueing requests. More here: Will need #27
The PHP SDK 2.0 allows several settings to be set per request, see here: We can actually set these already in a `Query` via `$this->setQueryStringParam`. However that method name...
Instead of letting the documents manager return raw arrays, let it return an AbstractDocument. - implements array - can be interacted with via dotted notation - has useful getters for...
You'll have to pass a parent ID when indexing a child, this is done via a querystring parameter (see #5).