Diego Javier Zea

Results 81 issues of Diego Javier Zea

Hi! It looks like, at the moment, we need to use the `PlotTheme` type to create new themes. However, this type is not exported by `PlotThemes`. The `add_theme` function could...

To allow the creation of personal/private themes: https://github.com/JuliaPlots/PlotThemes.jl/issues/68

Hi! This PR exports the `@html_plot` macro to display R plots in Pluto: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2822757/115162567-99c77b00-a0a4-11eb-9df5-8ca0b06d5278.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2822757/115162447-d050c600-a0a3-11eb-81c7-15dce726ff71.png) This is related to https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl/discussions/1085 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64049836/using-ggplot2-with-julia-pluto-notebook I hope it is helpful, Best regards,

Saving figures from R `plot(...` works fine. However, I get empty files when I try to use `plot.euler` from the `eulerr` package. ```julia using RCall R""" library(eulerr) fit

Hi! I have found this problem with Pluto & LaTeXStrings: Example: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2822757/172022801-fc43ee3c-119e-41fa-a5ba-91566524d750.png) Code: ```julia ### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.19.5 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # ╔═╡ 0a05255c-e438-11ec-3566-77865b3fe6d8 using LaTeXStrings...

Hi! I guest than `OneSampleADTest(iris[:SepalWidth], Normal())` and `OneSampleADTest(iris[:SepalWidth], fit(Normal,iris[:SepalWidth]))` should give the same output, but the output using the fitted distribution is different. Is that correct? ``` julia julia> OneSampleADTest(iris[:SepalWidth],...

Here I'm adding the Spearman correlation test, with some alternatives to calculate P values. I'm think it's correct, even when S values are different from R's S values. ``` R...

It would be great to add a `ChisqTest` method taking a sample and a `Distribution` to perform goodness of fit of the sample to the distribution (maybe only for `DiscreteUnivariateDistribution`s).


closes https://github.com/JuliaStats/HypothesisTests.jl/pull/57

Hi @ScottPJones ! I've just found that `Format` can not be loaded in **Julia 1.4.2** because the new version uses *Julia 1.5* `@ccal` without the proper Julia version bound in...